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Sunken road with potholes

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 16:07, Mon 22 May 2017

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1041447.

Outside Keyweld on Sadler Road - full width of road sunken, with pothole, it has been there for over a year, reported previously with nothing done, it is very dangerous to cars and especially motorbikes that do not know it is there. Causes vehicles to slow and swerve and has resulted in a van shedding its load. it needs fixing!!

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  • Received an e-mail today stating "All necessary work has now been carried out and no further action is planned" Nothing has been done whatsoever, why on earth would this e-mail be sent???????? please address this issue before there is an accident A car towing a caravan went over it last week and the caravan bounced in the air twice and the car nearly lost control

    Posted anonymously at 09:21, Mon 5 June 2017

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