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Not enough car parking space.

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 11:37, Thu 21 September 2017

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1112067.

Along Hutson drive, a re-occuring problem is that there is not enough parking for the number of residents on this street and also, parents on school run use Hutson drive. It is a hazard and its creating a number of problems! The flats are council, and residents are forbidden from parking on the grass, however there is just not enough space on this street to park, and the bays are often occupied by selfish drivers. At school times, the bays and the street are inundated with vehicles, it almost impossible for residents to park or for anyone to drive down. Also Learner drivers are forever practicing parallel parking down this street, which in turn is also causing problems, as cars are not able to pass down the street fluently. Years ago when the bays were first put in, it was probably fine because there were less cars on the road. However today there are too many cars, and no-where to park. It would be really helpful if something could be done to tackle this ongoing problem. There is a lot of unused land and grass areas down Hutson drive, which could be used for parking if it was gravelled, just like they have done outside the new flats and bungalows on Hutson drive. Residents are having to park on the grass, due to disability or having children, or even bags of shopping and in turn we are being told off because we do so. It also causes a lot of stress, and falling out between the residents. Please could something be done. If you was to question all the Hutson drive residents I'm sure they would agree.

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