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Traffic jumping red lights and vehicles mounting pavement from Pinchbeck

Reported in the Traffic lights category anonymously at 21:37, Tue 12 December 2017

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1160587.

Frequently vehicles from all directions are not stopping for a red light. I suggest that cameras are put on these lights to catch offenders. This will improve road safety, allow traffic to flow equally. I have been close to being run over several times when using the pedestrian crossing and with my child.

Also impatient drivers are mounting the pavement to get past the traffic waiting to turn right down Woolram Wygate. This includes buses and lorries. The path by this road is in constant use and I am surprised no one has been run over yet.

These problems are increasong and have been witnessed on an almost daily basis.

A camera onall lights would combat these problems and be a source of income for the council through the generation of fines. I have seen these in Cambridge and they work well.

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