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A ditch on side of High Dyke main road needs refilling.

Reported in the Roads/highways category by Jen Fisher, Welby Parish Clerk at 11:02, Thu 25 January 2018

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1195198.

70 yards down from Welby Turnover on the High Dyke on the Left Hand side a ditch needs urgently refilling as keeps filling with sludge and water, spilling on to the road. Also if car came off road into ditch would be very unsafe.

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  • Please could you update when this job will be assessed and repaired, reported January 2018 and no action to date been taken.

    As you can see from attached photo's the ditch/gully is deep and fills with watch and sludge making it a potential hazard is a vehicle veers off main part of road.

    Kind regards The Clerk for Welby Parish Council

    Posted by Jen Fisher at 11:46, Tue 30 July 2019

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