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Flooding on Monks Rd

Reported via iOS in the Roads/highways category by John East at 15:25, Mon 12 March 2018

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1241900.

There is a blocked drain at the roadside. This has been blocked for several months and reported several times.

When it rains a puddle forms which results in vehicles splashing pedestrians. Some try to avoid doing so but if traffic is approaching this is not easy. Nobody thinks of slowing down of course.

Here we see traffic halted but one car is in the water and just before this a pedestrian was soaked by a passing car.

Please can we have this sorted!

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  • They investigated today but I dont know the outcome. I was told that there may be a blockage further down the drain. At least work has now started.

    Posted by John East at 16:23, Mon 9 April 2018

  • They arrived as promised and investigated but not sure if fixed

    Posted by John East at 16:36, Mon 7 May 2018

  • Work needed has been identified. Will need to dig up the road with traffic light control so is being scheduled for school summer holiday. Thanks to highways dept for their work so far.

    Posted by John East at 10:31, Wed 6 June 2018
    Still open, via questionnaire

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