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Line of potholes going across road

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 22:21, Thu 12 April 2018

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1280196.

In line with old railway line, where the road has previously been dug up is a line of potholes across the road. One is deep enough to cause suspension to a car. There is a metal cover of some sorts in the road which is now raised because pot holes have appeared around it. Cars are swevering around these pot holes making it a a dangerous junction with Park road as vehicles from Pinchbeck are moving over to the centre white line to avoid the pot holes on the left and traffic from Spalding is doing exactly the same thing. Now the white line has worn away. In addition some vehicles from Spalding have to swing out into the road when trying to turn left down Park Road

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