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Flooding & Potholes

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 09:27, Mon 4 June 2018

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1329741.

Following heavy rains on Saturday afternoon this bend was flooded worse than ever before and failed to drain. The extensive flooding of the road meant that potholes could not be avoided [nearside & offside] and resulted in the protective under-tray of my car being torn back and extensively damaged. Despite previous attempts to resolve the flooding on this part of the road, it is still very bad - the attached picture id from SUNDAY morning - some 18+ hours on from when my damage occurred and the road had still failed to drain. Broken edges to all of Eaudyke Road become a real problem when rain or snow falls as you can't see the exact location of depth but any repairs at continually broken back down again by heavy goods vehicles using the country lanes and the very large "industrial" tractors too. Roads are unsuited to the traffic imposed on them. Even one of the local farmers recognises the damage being done to the roads and tries to fill broken edges by using road planings but they are just pulled into the road by the big vehicles and are as bad as a newly gritted road [without warning signage].

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