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Fast Flowing Spring Water

Reported anonymously at 23:17, Sun 10 June 2018

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council and South Kesteven District Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1335921.

Good morning, I live in Chatsworth Avenue, Grantham NG31 9UG. Since October last year there has been a fast flowing run of water from natural springs from the Green Belt Field behind the Avenue. This has caused tarmac and residential gardens to become flooded. The distress is paramount to the effected residence. Anglian Water, Town Councillors, Parish Councillors are all aware of the problem and making lame excuses on how to rectify the situation. Unless this water leak is fixed the problem will and is becoming critical. Some one is responsible for this crutial repair, after all, planning permission was permitted to build the houses into a hill known to have natural springs flowing from the surrounding villages. I do not expect to be palmed off with excuses, this needs to be sorted. If I do not receive a sensible response from yourselves I will have little choice but to involve the media and seek Legal advice.

Kind regards

Jeanette Foster JP

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