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Correct or incorrect road markings

Reported in the Road markings faded/missing category anonymously at 15:24, Mon 24 September 2018

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 338298.

The attached photograph shows the southbound carriageway of the A16 on Bargate Bridge in Boston. The left hand lane shows an arrow directing to the left i.e. to travel along John Adams Way (A16) The right hand lane markings show straight (for Wide Bargate) and to the right (for Horncastle Road) Until relatively recently (last 2 or 3 years) all traffic wanting to travel along John Adams Way would approach the roundabout in the left lane and then as they entered John Adams Way move over into the right hand lane of the dual carriageway if they needed to be in this lane to make their way through town to follow the A52. It has now become the norm for cars to approach the roundabout in the right hand lane and then go off to the left onto John Adams Way, in contradiction of the road markings (and the road sign). My wife travels into town every morning for work on the other side of town and runs the daily gauntlet of getting into the right hand lane of John Adams Way when approaching in the left hand lane of Bargate Bridge. Even the police have started using the right hand lane of Bargate Bridge to filter off to the left again in contradiction of the road markings. My company is situated just on the top end of John Adams Way and we constantly here horns being used because of this filtering issue, could the road markings and signage be updated to reflect this now common practise of using the right hand lane incorrectly?

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  • Thank you for reporting a fault on the highway. We will use the information you have provided to assess and prioritise this fault in accordance with our response times for fault reports which is available at highways-faults
    We will contact you again when an update is available.

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 15:25, Mon 24 September 2018

  • We have assessed the fault you reported and will not be taking any action at this time. We will continue to monitor this location as part of our safety inspection schedule.
    For information about our routine inspections and works programmes, please visit highways-works-programmes

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 08:16, Tue 25 September 2018

  • This issue is on the increase as more people see others doing it. I have experienced it 1st hand when turning left from the left hand lane into the right hand lane on john adams way - the guy who turned left from the right hand lane almost went into the back of my van and became very aggressive at the next set of lights claiming that I had "cut him up". If the lane markings are not "must do" then why have them? If the markings are not "must do" then it might be interesting to go straight on from the left hand lane - discuss! This needs sorting not watching

    Posted anonymously at 13:38, Sun 11 November 2018

  • I came to work this morning at 5.30am, it appears to be coming more of a challenge for motorists in the right hand lane turning left on to the roundabout to get around this as quickly as possible, it's almost as if they know that they're in contradiction of the road markings, right hand lane states on the road surface Town Centre and B1183 to Horncastle, nowhere is it mentioned on this carriageway A16. How you can categorically state no action is required is beyond me, the road markings need re-painting if only to reiterate which lane you should be using! But then if you were to get this sorted maybe we could have two lanes onto the A16 and all the problems would be reduced..

    State changed to: Open

    Posted anonymously at 07:04, Mon 12 November 2018

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