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I reported three (3) areas on one junction where two(2) manhole/ drain covers had SUNK and one pothole keeps sinking despite being refilled. All of which are now causing damage to my home (cracks appearing in walls) through the vibrations of the lorries hitting these areas.

Reported in the Road surface issue category anonymously at 10:28, Mon 1 October 2018

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 2 minutes later. Council ref: 338613.

On the 29th May 2018 I reported three (3) areas on one junction where two(2) manhole/ drain covers had SUNK and one pothole keeps sinking despite being refilled. All of which are now causing damage to my home, it physically shakes, and cracks are appearing in my walls through the vibrations of the lorries hitting these areas. Despite receiving an acknowledgement from you, this problem still persists and there is still no sign of any investigation or work having been done. Original report reference numbers are: FS76599348 / AD96561 / 4100744. I do not know which of these numbers is applicable, but all three were on the correspondence.

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  • Thank you for reporting a fault on the highway. We will use the information you have provided to assess and prioritise this fault in accordance with our response times for fault reports which is available at highways-faults
    We will contact you again when an update is available.

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 10:30, Mon 1 October 2018

  • We have assessed the fault you reported and will not be taking any action at this time. We will continue to monitor this location as part of our safety inspection schedule.
    For information about our routine inspections and works programmes, please visit highways-works-programmes

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 10:43, Mon 1 October 2018

  • I realise your are probably busy, but I am totally flabbergasted that someone could receive, assess and then dismiss this problem as not needing attention in 20 mins! I doubt anyone could have physically seen the area in question. This problem is ruining my house!

    State changed to: Open

    Posted anonymously at 09:49, Wed 3 October 2018

  • This is not being considered How can you assess and dismiss a reported fault in 20 minutes!

    Posted anonymously at 17:31, Wed 10 October 2018

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