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Timings appear to be incorrect.

Reported in the Timing issue category by Rodney Marks at 17:29, Tue 2 October 2018

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 1 minute later. Council ref: 338744.

On a number of occasions I have noticed two problems at these light. 1) All lights go red together there is no green man lights for pedestrians, so everything is stopped at a red light. 2) Often the left hand turn filter light from Pinchbeck Road into West Elloe Avenue turns green and is the only green light showing. Hence traffic waiting to turn out of West Elloe Avenue, either left or right, onto Pinchbeck Road is held on a red light for no reason.

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  • Thank you for reporting a fault on the highway. We will use the information you have provided to assess and prioritise this fault in accordance with our response times for fault reports which is available at highways-faults
    We will contact you again when an update is available.

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 17:30, Tue 2 October 2018

  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Lincolnshire County Council at 08:49, Wed 3 October 2018

  • State changed to: In progress

    Updated by Lincolnshire County Council at 12:25, Thu 4 October 2018

  • I have on two occasions seen people apparently checking/adjusting the timing of these traffic light. However they are still incorrect. The timing is such that the left filter on Pinchbeck Road to turn into West Elloe Avenue is the only green light showing, this filter light should work in conjunction with the lights being green for traffic exiting West Elloe Avenue onto Pinchbeck Road.

    Posted by Rodney Marks at 11:20, Wed 9 January 2019

  • Both sets of lights on red for 20+ seconds. Once the lights on Pinchbeck Road turn red, then it is another 20+ seconds before the lights on West Elloe turn green, causing long queues in West Elloe, especially at busy times between 8am - 9am and 4pm - 6pm. It has nothing to do with anyone waiting at the pedestrian crossings. It never used to be like this - someone has messed with the timings in the last few months.

    Yet when the lights on West Elloe turn red the lights on Pinchbeck Rd immediately turn to green.

    Please put this back to how it used to be.

    Posted anonymously at 09:54, Fri 11 January 2019

  • I would just like to agree with the earlier reportee. The light phasing at this junction is causing serious delay to traffic travelling towards Pinchbeck Road along West Elloe Avenue. This has been going on for far too long and is causing significant inconvenience to residents attempting to join the carriageway. It is also a totally inappropriate method of operating traffic lights on a major 'A' road through Spalding.

    Posted by M Loosemore at 10:03, Fri 11 January 2019

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