The drain is blocked. As you leave the village, it's on the left just after you leave the 30mph zone.
Reported in the Blocked drain category anonymously at 10:38, Sun 14 July 2019
Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 2 minutes later. Council ref: 353464.
It always floods here (near the allotments). As you can see, the drain is blocked. First photo shows the standing water which sometimes floods almost completely across one lane of the carriageway.
Thank you for reporting a fault on the highway. We will use the information you have provided to assess and prioritise this fault in accordance with our response times for fault reports which is available at highways-faults
We will contact you again when an update is available.Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 10:40, Sun 14 July 2019
This fault will be fixed as part of our next cycle of works. We cut the grass three times a year and treat weeds twice a year between April and October. We clean highway drains once a year.
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 08:45, Thu 8 August 2019
Once a year is NOT enough. The road floods causing a danger for cyclists and motorcyclists who have to ride on the wrong side of the road to avoid it, not to mention pedestrians who have to take a chance that they're not going to get drenched by motorists who can't avoid it. Please get the lorry out and do all the storm drains in the village. Let us know when it's coming and tell people, if they obstruct the cleaning of these drains with parked vehicles, they will be towed away. Thank you.
State changed to: Open
Posted anonymously at 11:51, Sat 31 August 2019
This fault will be fixed as part of our next cycle of works. We cut the grass three times a year and treat weeds twice a year between April and October. We clean highway drains once a year.
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 10:39, Tue 3 September 2019
Once a year is obviously not enough.
State changed to: Open
Posted anonymously at 15:15, Sat 21 September 2019
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