Non existence of road markings or a traffic island.
Reported in the Road markings faded/missing category anonymously at 12:06, Wed 13 November 2019
Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 4 minutes later. Council ref: 358921.
Due to the non existence of road markings or a traffic island at the junctions of Swanholme Close and Pioneer Way, traffic held up in the increasing traffic jams are using the centre of the road to access Pioneer Way using great speed. Currently there have been several minor accidents with vehicles egressing Swanholme Close but this will lead to a death or serious injury if this is not rectified as soon as possible. It is a known problem that has increased over many years and is being ignored. Swanholme Close is the only junction without a traffic island along Doddington Road and this would stop or at least protect traffic and pedestrians.
Thank you for reporting a fault on the highway. We will use the information you have provided to assess and prioritise this fault in accordance with our response times for fault reports which is available at highways-faults
We will contact you again when an update is available.Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 12:10, Wed 13 November 2019
We need to investigate this report. We will contact you again when an update is available.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 08:54, Thu 14 November 2019
My understanding is that this has already been investigated and reported by local traffic meeting that included residents and police representatives. My concern is that unless an island is established where Swanholme joins Doddington Road there will be a death or serious injury involving traffic or a pedestrian. Local HGVs are using the centre area to pass stationary traffic regardless of vehicles exiting Swanholme. Traffic has been met head on when turning right into Swanholme. Current road markings are so faint there are no solid white lines and Keep Clear is also ignored.
Posted anonymously at 10:00, Thu 14 November 2019
We are investigating this report. We will contact you again when an update is available.
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 09:57, Fri 15 November 2019
This report has been assessed and works are planned. We will update this report when works are scheduled.
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 13:41, Wed 25 November 2020
Works are scheduled.
State changed to: Action scheduled
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 10:10, Thu 26 November 2020
Can you advise when works are to commence and whether a safety island is to be included
Posted anonymously at 11:20, Tue 22 December 2020
State changed to: In progress
Updated by Lincolnshire County Council at 22:18, Mon 19 April 2021
Works are complete. Thank you for making a report to Lincolnshire County Council.
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 23:01, Mon 19 April 2021
Thank you for your email received 20.04.2021. Unfortunately, the report states that the work is completed. This is not the case and is therefore an incorrect statement. The only work that has been completed is to repaint the 'Keep Clear' access point into Swanholme Close. There has been no updating of the chevron or road markings along the approach on Doddington Road. Nor has there been a traffic island to improve safety to both vehicle and pedestrian users as outlined previously. There continues to be an increase of HGV traffic using the centre chevroned area to access Pioneer Way when traffic is backed up. I repeat, that due to no action being taken by the Council on this point, despite knowing that there is an increase of traffic on Doddington Road, I feel there will be a serious accident involving death or serious injury. Please respond
Posted anonymously at 13:05, Tue 20 April 2021
We need to investigate this report. We will contact you again when an update is available.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 09:10, Wed 21 April 2021
We're sorry, but after visiting site we were unable to resolve the issue immediately and further works are required. Thank you for your patience, we will contact you again when a further update is available.
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 14:10, Thu 22 April 2021
I am concerned that this is yet another delay tactic by the council as this problem has supposedly been investigated several times and has also been reported by the local traffic group. Instead of meaningless comments which adds to the delay I would appreciate it if some indication of when the traffic island will be erected is given. Since moving here we have seen a huge increase in traffic due to planning permission for both private dwellings and commercial units with little improvement to Doddington Road to support the additional traffic despite the income the council receives from these properties.
Posted anonymously at 17:33, Thu 22 April 2021
State changed to: Investigating
Updated by Lincolnshire County Council at 09:37, Thu 13 May 2021
It has now been a further 5 months and several more near miss accidents including one with me exiting the junction. It has now been nearly two years since the original report was made. Please advise on what progress has been made
Posted anonymously at 23:15, Fri 17 September 2021
There has been additional paintwork done to Doddington Road but excluded the diagonal lines. This now makes the road more dangerous as it now appears more like a centre lane has been created on this section of road! When is the work to create an island going to be decided?
Posted anonymously at 11:30, Thu 30 September 2021
I am aware that paintwork is in progress on Doddington Road. I only hope the keep clear markings at Swanholme Close are extended to the full width of the road. However, I am also aware that the Police agree with me about the provision of an island at this junction and have submitted a report. Please advise me on what works are planned as a result.
Posted anonymously at 13:09, Sun 20 February 2022
Is anything being done about this problem? I nearly got wiped out by a car using the central area yet again! What is happening about the island progress as requested and agreed buy the local police?
Posted anonymously at 20:36, Sat 21 May 2022
Has the Lincolnshire County Council decided to ignore this issue?
Posted anonymously at 17:27, Wed 20 July 2022
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