Big drop from edge of road.
Reported in the Collapsed verge category anonymously at 14:52, Sat 11 January 2020
Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 3 minutes later. Council ref: 363699.
There is a big drop at the edge of the road. My wheels went over and that meant a double puncture and damage to the wheels themselves.
Thank you for reporting this issue. A highways officer will investigate and provide an update within 14 days.
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 14:55, Sat 11 January 2020
Thank you for reporting this issue. A highways officer will investigate and provide an update within 14 days.
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 09:54, Mon 13 January 2020
This report has been assessed and a job for repair has been raised. We will contact you again when a further update is available.
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 11:38, Mon 13 January 2020
Thank you for reporting this issue. A highways officer will investigate and provide an update within 14 days.
State changed to: Open
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 11:38, Mon 13 January 2020
We need to investigate this report. We will contact you again when an update is available.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 12:40, Mon 13 January 2020
Unfortunately we have been unable to take action with this fault as there was insufficient information. Please report again with more information about the fault and location.
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 10:53, Wed 15 January 2020
The defective road is about 100m north of 11-13 High Dike on the B6403. it is maybe 200-300 metres south of Kesteven Rugby Club. How can you possibly not locate it? It is a big drop from the side of the south bound carriageway onto a rut next to the verge and that drop continues for many metres. It is very dangerous. Have you rectified it? I attach some additional photos. I took them in the dark because that is when the accident happened. Please confirm you have actually been to look. I see from your records that there have been a great many reports of problems on this stretch of this road. Why is that? If you still cannot locate the problem, please ring me. My car is still not repaired. The estimated cost is £555 which I expect you to pay. Have you sent me the claim form, please? Andrew Harbourne
State changed to: Open
Posted anonymously at 14:11, Wed 15 January 2020
Unfortunately we have been unable to take action with this fault as there was insufficient information. Please report again with more information about the fault and location.
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 12:38, Thu 16 January 2020
Please be more specific. What more information do you need? It was approximately at High Dike, Grantham NG33 5BQ or 5AA on the south bound carriageway. As I said above it was about 200m - 300m south of Kesteven Rugby Football Club. I repeat: have have you not been to look for this massive drop between the road and the muddy rut to the side of it?
Posted anonymously at 15:03, Thu 16 January 2020
I may have got the proximity of Kesteven Rugby Club wrong. After the blow-out I parked a few yards to the south of 11-13 High Dike and ran back up the road in the dark to find where I believe the problem was. I think it was about 100 - 200m north of 11-13 High Dike Cottages. Even though taken in the dark, the photos I have sent you should be adequate to enable you to find the problem,
Posted anonymously at 15:12, Thu 16 January 2020
We have assessed the fault you reported and will not be taking any action at this time. We will continue to monitor this location as part of our safety inspection schedule.
For information about our routine inspections and works programmes, please visit highways-works-programmesPosted by Lincolnshire County Council at 15:46, Thu 16 January 2020
Why please are you not taking action on such a dangerous problem? It is not just my complaint. I have attached a photo of the map of this road from your website showing a huge number of complaints for this stretch. Who please do I now complain to - that you are taking no action and refuse to answer my questions? Of course I can refer it to the press. My iPhone photos state that they were taken at "Little Ponton and Stroxton- Woodnook". I have just picked up my car from the garage and they commented they had never seen such triangular wheels before! Also attached is their bill which I will be claiming from you. How are people to see such a precipitous drop in the dark when they are driving?
State changed to: Open
Posted anonymously at 17:10, Thu 16 January 2020
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