Large pothole and road surface seriously uneven.
Reported in the Pothole on road/cycleway category anonymously at 10:24, Sat 25 January 2020
Sent to Lincolnshire County Council 1 minute later. Council ref: 365189.
These potholes are causing difficulty accessing my relatives property safely. It is getting progressively worse, especially when manoeuvring a pram in and out of the driveway.
Thank you for reporting this issue. A highways officer will investigate and provide an update within 14 days.
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 10:25, Sat 25 January 2020
Thank you for reporting this issue. A highways officer will investigate and provide an update within 14 days.
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 09:16, Mon 27 January 2020
We need to investigate this report. We will contact you again when an update is available.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 15:22, Mon 27 January 2020
We have assessed the fault you reported and will not be taking any action at this time. We will continue to monitor this location as part of our safety inspection schedule.
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 09:15, Thu 30 January 2020
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