Trees too tall and dangerous in high winds.
Reported in the Overgrown tree/hedges category anonymously at 22:35, Tue 25 August 2020
Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 375441.
The trees in Sunningdale Drive are very high, much taller than the houses and sway dangerously in high winds. They are very close to the houses and are top heavy.
Thank you for reporting this issue. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we may not be able to meet our usual response times. We are doing everything we can to maintain resource levels to provide your highways service. Thank you for your patience.
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 22:35, Tue 25 August 2020
Following on from yesterday's message. A picture of trees in Sunningdale Drive.
Posted anonymously at 13:49, Wed 26 August 2020
State changed to: No further action
Updated by Lincolnshire County Council at 14:47, Wed 26 August 2020
Why no further action? These trees are too tall the whole tree sways in the wind including the trunk.
State changed to: Open
Posted anonymously at 15:08, Wed 26 August 2020
Can you please confirm that these trees are safe please as they tower over my house and do not look safe to me.
Posted anonymously at 17:16, Sun 13 February 2022
The trees which were once beautiful now tower over the houses, they are too much for such a small narrow street.
Posted anonymously at 14:26, Sun 20 February 2022
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