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Light bowl missing

Reported via iOS in the Street light category anonymously at 14:07, Sun 17 January 2021

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 384455.

Column 1. bowl missing and needs new lantern

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  • Thank you for your report. We will investigate and make an update to this report within 14 days.

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 14:07, Sun 17 January 2021

  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Lincolnshire County Council at 10:33, Mon 18 January 2021

  • Folkingham Road from the Mareham Lane junction to Billingborough village boundary is in a shocking state. The potholes and broken surface have increased significantly during 2021. Although many have been 'filled' the standard of repair is shocking and in one specific area currently marked with yellow paint, it is actually worse since being partly filled. Several sections of the road surely need to be planed and relaid as has been done so well on the A52 just to the east of Bridge End towards Donington. Please can you arrange for an engineer to drive down the Folkingham road stretch and investigate further? With this route becoming more popular with HGV drivers operating to and from the Grimers Yard in Billingborough, the significant damage will just get even worse.

    Posted anonymously at 09:59, Thu 16 September 2021

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