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A water utility reinstatement which spans the whole road width adjacent to No's 19&21 Wardentree Lane

Reported via desktop in the Pothole on road/cycleway category anonymously at 11:35, Wed 19 May 2021

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 396936.

Please note this is NOT a pothole but a trench reinstatement which has settled/dropped over time, it has been reported on numerous occasions over the last few years to NO avail. The situation has reached a point were severe vibration combined with noise is causing great consternation to the effected home owners, following consultation with local bodies I have been advised to report this issue once more in the hope that prompt remedial action will be carried out, if this fails then my local MP will be informed in the hope that something can be done to alleviate the upset this is causing. The main issue is being caused by LGV's travelling beyond the prescribed 30 mph speed limit and upon crossing the reinstatement triggering the above mentioned issues and the potential for structural damage. I trust this request for action will be dealt with with no further excuse or delay. Thank you in anticipation an extremely concerned homeowner and council tax rate payer.

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  • Thank you for your report. We will investigate and make an update to this report within 14 days.

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 11:35, Wed 19 May 2021

  • We need to investigate this report. We will contact you again when an update is available.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 11:46, Fri 21 May 2021

  • A site visit was carried out 27/05/21. We acknowledge your concerns and accept that the highway has deteriorated in condition. We have assessed the fault in accordance with our Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan and it does not require urgent action. There are many factors affecting the transmission of noise and vibration in properties which are adjacent to carriageways, including noise nuisance through HGV tyres, transmissions through utility or private apparatus, for example underground sewer pipes. Other factors include soil types, moisture content of the soils, distance from the source and also the depth and condition of the foundation and the condition of the structure of the property. If you believe you have suffered any loss, either by noise and/or vibration, you should contact your insurance provider who may investigate the matter via an independent Engineer and may ultimately pursue a claim. Alternatively, you may wish to commission your own engineering investigation which would include a survey on your building. If the fault deteriorates significantly please report this again to us. If you have concerns regarding speeding vehicles please contact the police. Thank you for reporting this matter.

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 11:45, Fri 28 May 2021

  • In response to the reply and the comments made they do not alter the fact that when LGV's travel over the said reinstatement shock waves and or vibration occurs due to the uneven surface. No one should have to suffer vibration whilst sitting in their living room - the potential reasons given have no relevance to this issue, to all intent and purposes it never occurred prior to the utility work being carried out.

    Posted anonymously at 20:49, Fri 28 May 2021

  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Lincolnshire County Council at 11:56, Tue 1 June 2021

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