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Large oak tree that appears to be diseased / dying

Reported via desktop in the Dying or diseased tree category anonymously at 14:00, Thu 24 June 2021

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 399607.

This large tree, which is in front of the neighbouring property to ours, is overhanging our property (1 Pioneer Way) with significant sized branches, some of which appear to be dead. We believe it has significant potential to cause personal injury and damage to our property. We have spoken to the neighbours who advise it is not their responsibility. As it is in a grassed verge area, the assumption is it is Lincolnshire County Councils responsibility and therefore liability for injury or damage to our property lies with the Council. Please can it be attended to promptly and the offending branches removed so this hazard and ultimate risk is removed. Thank you.

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  • Thank you for your report. We will investigate and make an update to this report within 14 days.

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 14:00, Thu 24 June 2021

  • Can both give way markings (white lines) At the end of the cycle path’s where they meet Swanholme close be repainted ? cyclists are failing to stop and there have been a few near misses between cars coming out of Swanholme close and cyclists who cycle straight across the entrance / exit to Swanholme without stopping at the end of the cycle paths to check nothing is coming

    Posted anonymously at 16:18, Tue 20 July 2021

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