Van parked on verge
Reported via desktop in the Damaged/missing paving slab category anonymously at 16:59, Thu 9 December 2021
Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 411320.
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From: Angela Halsall Sent: 09 December 2021 15:01 To: FixMyStreet Subject: RE: New FixMyStreet updates on report: 'Transit van permanently parked....'
To whom it may concern, please find the following information:-
To reiterate - this has been deemed a LOCAL COUNCIL matter by the POLICE!!!!
The fact the grass verge is churned by this vehicle is most definitely an LCC matter and not for the POLICE to take issue with???
Best regards
Sent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message -------- From: FixMyStreet <> Date: 09/12/2021 13:04 (GMT+00:00) To: Subject: New FixMyStreet updates on report: 'Transit van permanently parked....'
New updates on “Transit van permanently parked....” New updates on Transit van permanently parked.... We are sorry but although this is a possible obstruction of the highway, it is a Police matter. You can report this to them at contact/ Thank you for reporting this matter. State changed to: not the council's responsibility Lincolnshire County Council Unsubscribe from alerts about this report
Transit van permanently parked.... Although this van has OPENREACH signs it does not belong to them and the POLICE deem it a CC matter?? I have reported this previously as being an obstruction to pedestrians, to the residents who's house it is parked oppisite and the grassverge is being churned by the wheels of this van...
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Thank you for your report. We will investigate and make an update to this report within 14 days.
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 16:59, Thu 9 December 2021
Thank you for your report. We will investigate and make an update to this report within 14 days.
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 17:31, Thu 9 December 2021
We need to investigate this report. We will contact you again when an update is available.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 08:45, Fri 10 December 2021
We are sorry but we are not taking immediate action with this report because the vehicle appears to have moved on. There are no parking restrictions in place here. Thank you for reporting this matter.
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 10:51, Thu 16 December 2021
OENREACH VAN PARKING ON GRASS VERGE OBSTRUCTING PEDESTRIANS WHEELCHAIR USERS AND PRAM OWNERS?? OENREACH HAVE GIVEN THE OWNER PERMISSION TO PARK???? Please find below the correspondence from the CEO of OPENREACH!!! THE BLIGHT OF BRITISH ROADS!!!! - The commercial vehicle... There iis one parked on your Road or Street all over the country. They obstruct and inconvenience pedestrians, wheelchair users and Mums with prams and toddlers. They block residents driveways force other drivers to give way, and cause blind spots...... And the reason is as follows:- Mr Clive Selley, CEO from one such company - OPENREACH says "OPENREACH VAN PERMANENTLY PARKED... WP64 RWU" Thank you for your note. In answer to your questions, most Openreach engineers 'home park' - this is essential such that they are able to drive to their first job every day without wasting time commuting to a yard first. All Openreach vehicles are insured. Regards Clive" So the next time you are obdtructed or inconvenienced by a commercial vehicle please remember this driver would otherwise be travelling back and forth to a compound to pick up the WORKS VAN for his job???? I have given serious thought of campaigning for all the EMERGENCY SERVICES TO "Home Park" in order for them to avoid having to drive back and forth to pick up the Tools of the THEIR TRADE.... Surely the logic Mr Clive Selly applies to OPENREACH staff should also apply to Ambulance drivers , Paramedics, Fire Service personel and The Police???
State changed to: Open
Posted anonymously at 01:17, Mon 4 April 2022
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