Eastern bypass cycle path
Reported via desktop in the Other road surface issue category anonymously at 15:33, Tue 1 August 2023
Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 466827.
This is related to my previously reported problem of glass on the cycleway. 463302.
You closed that report saying it was fixed. It is not. I added photos to the last report to show that someone just swept it to the side. It is now back all over the path making it dangerous for cyclists. I was down there today and it is getting worse as the rain washes more from the verge into the cycle path.
Thanks for letting us know about a road surface issue. We will look into this and let you know what we find within the next 14 days. You can find out more about roads maintenance on our website
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 15:33, Tue 1 August 2023
State changed to: Investigating
Updated by Lincolnshire County Council at 16:51, Tue 1 August 2023
We are sorry but we are not taking immediate action with this report because an officer has already attended the to make it safe and the image of the area, taken following this, shows that whilst some glass may still be present in the adjacent verge that the footway/cycleway was left in a safe and usable condition. This is not considered to be dangerous. Thank you for reporting this matter.
State changed to: Closed
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 22:02, Wed 9 August 2023
I am shocked that you consider this acceptable. If you are going to pay someone to clear it, then would it not be better value for them to properly clear it rather than sweep it to the side to simply be washed back onto the track again. Does anyone at the Council believe in "quality"?
If I get a puncture I will be sure to send the repair costs to you given that you say it is "safe". If I fall off and cut myself again costs for damages will be sent in.
State changed to: Open
Posted anonymously at 14:02, Fri 18 August 2023
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