Junction of Station Road/Main Road/Old School Lane, Willoughby
Reported via mobile in the Pothole on road/cycleway category anonymously at 12:53, Mon 13 November 2023
Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 478702.
12 potholes in this area, varying sizes across - 60cm and up to 40mm in depth. These are arranged within the local authority painted road lines of the junction. This issue has been ongoing for many years apparently. Two potholes were repaired a year ago but constant turning traffic has exacerbated the situation on all of the potholes.
Thanks for letting us know about your issue with a pothole on the road or cycleway. We will look into this and let you know what we find within the next 14 days. You can find out more about potholes on our website
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 12:53, Mon 13 November 2023
Great news, we’ve had a look at the issue and we have now passed to our Highways Officers for the team to assess what can be done to resolve the matter. We’ll let you know when the assessment has taken place.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 14:19, Tue 14 November 2023
Thanks for letting us know about the issue. In this case the fault is not on one of the roads we look after. To find the owner of the land you could contact Land Registry here Thank you for reporting this matter.
State changed to: not the council's responsibility
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 15:05, Thu 16 November 2023
If you don't look after this road, may I ask why there are white painted road markings on it? And why, you sent a road repair team to fill in 2 of the potholes a year ago? I was told at that time the end of the lane was under Highways jurisdiction as it has always been used for school buses, delivery lorries and parents' cars as a turning point being situated oppositethe Primary school. Thank you. I look forward to hearing further.
Posted anonymously at 21:24, Sun 3 December 2023
State changed to: Investigating
Updated by Lincolnshire County Council at 12:25, Mon 4 December 2023
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