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St Leonards Drive one-way system blocked to HGVs

Reported via desktop in the Tree/hedge restricting available highway category anonymously at 23:38, Fri 17 November 2023

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 479275.

Some of the branches on the Nature Park side have been trimmed, however, the higher branches are still overhanging, and the vegetation on the left of the road as you go through the one-way system is untouched. Lorries are still travelling along St Leonards Drive in the wrong direction, breaking the law by ignoring the no-entry signs, as proven in the photo that I have attached.

Previous complaints have been returned saying that it's not council land, however, this is a Highways issue, as it is causing people to break the law.

I understand that the land is owned by a local builder, S. Jackson. Maybe Highways can take out an enforcement order to compel him to trim it? As you can see, it is well into the road.


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  • Thanks for letting us know about your issue with a tree/hedge on the highway. We will look into this and let you know what we find within the next 14 days. You can find out more about trees and hedges on our website

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 23:38, Fri 17 November 2023

  • Great news, we’ve had a look at the issue and we have now passed to our Highways Officers for the team to assess what can be done to resolve the matter. We’ll let you know when the assessment has taken place.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 06:49, Tue 21 November 2023

  • Just to let you know this issue has turned out to be more complicated than we first thought. We need to take this on for more investigation. We will let you know the situation as soon as we can. Thanks for bearing with us.

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 13:08, Tue 21 November 2023

  • A quick note to let you know that we’re taking enforcement action. This type of action can take a long time to complete so whilst it might not look like we’re working on the issue, we’re being busy behind the scenes. Thanks for your patience. As this progresses, we’ll update you when we can.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 12:54, Fri 24 November 2023

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.