Action scheduled
Crowland bypass - pass the parking sign heading towards spalding near the trees but before the lay-by
Reported via mobile in the Pothole on road/cycleway category anonymously at 17:41, Wed 29 November 2023
Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 480746.
There is a massive pot hole on the a16 crowland by pass. this is beyond a joke and will damage your wheel ! needs to be fixed asap- you can find it perfectly when you hit it constantly, also travel a little further up and there is 2 more big ones ! How is it all the other pot holes are filled in except these 3. Please help resolve this as soon as before this does more damage and makes someone loose control. thank you !
Thanks for letting us know about your issue with a pothole on the road or cycleway. We will look into this and let you know what we find within the next 14 days. You can find out more about potholes on our website
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 17:41, Wed 29 November 2023
We have an update. Our highways team have issued this work out to one of their delivery gangs. We’ll let you know when the job is complete.
State changed to: Action scheduled
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 09:10, Thu 30 November 2023
Really not happy with the conditions of this road. Near enough the entire stretch from Spalding to Crowland is shocking. This isn’t the first time, I have blown yet another tyre due to the poor conditions and hundreds of pot holes down this road. Stop making small repairs in the middle of each pot hole. These get run into the ground within a week and starts to crack and open up around the edges making an even bigger pot hole. This is so dangerous especially in the windy conditions like last night (21/01/24) when my tyre went. Someone else can pay for these endless tyres
Posted anonymously at 10:10, Monday 22 January 2024
Another flat tyre after hitting these pot holes on this road THIS IS NOW DANGEROUS!! Makes you swerve. Taking the piss now tbh it’s been a massive hole for weeks. Reported one before and you didn’t pay for repair!!!
Posted anonymously at 19:53, Sunday 4 February 2024
This road is totally littered with potholes. It is extremely dangerous. In the daytime cars are swerving each pothole but it means they are zigzagging the whole stretch of the road. At night you can't see them and they are unavoidable, so very dangerous as they are deep. They have been filled before but within a few weeks they are broken again as the road is used by lorries and tractors. The whole stretch needs a full resurface at night as it's so busy during the day.
Posted anonymously at 08:30, Sunday 31 March 2024
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