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135 Grantham Road, Sleaford, NG34 7NR

Reported via desktop in the Flowing water, no risk to life or property category anonymously at 16:38, Sun 17 December 2023

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 483476.

Water from the road surface is running straight down the driveway of the property (135 Grantham Road, NG34 7NR) and causing flooding to the driveway. This is even after small amounts of rain. There is no proper drop-kerb for the property, and simply a tarmac "ramp", which means that any road surface water has no barrier to keep it on the road and divert it into a drain. Unfortunately, any water and road detritus simply runs straight onto the drive of the property, causing flooding and leaving a slippery, muddy residue. This property is inhabited by two elderly members of our community, who are forced to clean the driveway after every rainfall at potential risk to their own health.

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  • Thanks for letting us know about your issue with flooding. We will look into this and let you know what we find within the next 14 days. You can find out more about flooding and drainage on our website

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 16:38, Sun 17 December 2023

  • Great news, we’ve had a look at the issue and we have now passed to our Highways Officers for the team to assess what can be done to resolve the matter. We’ll let you know when the assessment has taken place.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 09:36, Mon 18 December 2023

  • Further photos showing the effect of light rain caused by the issue at the roadside with no proper dropseed-kerb stone and road drainage.

    Posted anonymously at 12:38, Thu 28 December 2023

  • Progress! We’ve completed our investigation and works are now planned. Once we know when work is due to take place we will let you know.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 11:30, Thu 11 January 2024

  • We have an update. Our highways team have issued this work out to one of their delivery gangs. We’ll let you know when the job is complete.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 16:31, Thu 11 January 2024

  • Damage is now being caused to the property at 135 Grantham Road, Sleaford as the Local Authority has not yet fulfilled an effective repair to the structure of the road outside of the property, nor the drainage on the front part of the Local-Authority owned front apron. As picture show, the lower levels of brickwork are now struggling to dry after any amount of rainfall, due to the amount of water rushing off of the road due to poorly maintained and constructed kerbstones. This problem was first reported on 17th December 2023. The property is inhabited by elderly residents, and due to the fact the Local Authority has not yet fixed this issue, they remain at risk of slips and falls due to the mud flowing onto their driveway. They are forced to sweep this after every rainfall. Unacceptable level of service by a Local Authority.

    Posted anonymously at 14:26, Sun 26 May 2024

  • When will the action be completed for this issue?

    Posted anonymously at 15:36, Tuesday

  • When will the action be completed for this issue?

    Posted anonymously at 19:36, Tuesday

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