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At the driveway of 25 Langton Hill

Reported via desktop in the Pothole on road/cycleway category anonymously at 14:29, Sunday

Sent to Lincolnshire County Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 2832894.

This pothole has emerged due to the lack of action of the water that has been constantly reported and nothing done. It started to emerge about 2 weeks ago. The pothole is now in the region of 70mm deep at its lip and approx 400mm long and 300mm wide. It is growing daily due to its location on the drive line of the road and amount of traffic. It has significant potential to cause a lot of damage to cars and if a motorcycle/cycle hit this it has potential of being life threatening, especially in the dark.

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  • Thanks for letting us know about your issue with a pothole on the road or cycleway. We will look into this and let you know what we find within the next 14 days. You can find out more about potholes on our website

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 14:29, Sunday

  • Great news, we’ve had a look at the issue and we have now passed to our Highways Officers for the team to assess what can be done to resolve the matter. We’ll let you know when the assessment has taken place.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 06:42, Monday

  • Just to let you know this issue has turned out to be more complicated than we first thought. We need to take this on for more investigation. We will let you know the situation as soon as we can. Thanks for bearing with us.

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 12:37, Monday

  • We have an update. Our highways team have issued this work out to one of their delivery gangs. We’ll let you know when the job is complete.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 12:55, Monday

  • This problem is now dangerous. The water is from a spring and has been botched up a number of times over the past 3+ years. Water WILL find its way through. Until this if fixed properly it will continue to be a problem. It needs to be inspected and a report written by a Qualified Engineer.

    Posted anonymously at 14:41, Monday

  • As I was travelling home on the evening of 03/02/25 on my motorcycle I saw this large pothole which is in the middle of the lane, very late on as it was full of water and so blended into the road. Fortunately there was nothing coming the other way and I managed to take avoiding action, however had I not this pothole would have no doubt sent me off my Bike if I had gone into it, due to its depth. This needs cordoning off at the very least whilst it is assessed and fixed to prevent surgery injury to a road user.

    Posted anonymously at 12:23, Tuesday

  • I have hit this pothole tonight and had a blown tyre as a result.

    Posted anonymously at 20:26, Tuesday

  • I hit this pothole last evening in my car and the bang was horrendous. I'm going to have to get it checked for damage . It needs to be cordoned off as its very dangerous.

    Posted anonymously at 16:06, Wednesday

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